Exactly 7 years to the day after the 28. Jun movement was born with our ‘Boj za Kosovo’ project which resulted in the delivery of $1.5M worth of medical aid to Serbs in Gracanica and a global awareness campaign, we again turn our focus to KiM with an even more ambitious project; ‘Dogodine u Prizrenu’. Between now and the Orthodox New Year we aim to:


Get all people who care to sign our petition calling for protection of Serbian cultural heritage in KiM
• Officially present this petition at United Nations using our Special Consultative Status
Hold events on every continent to raise awareness of the daily struggles Serbs face in KiM
Deliver $1M worth of medical supplies to facilities in Serbia, Republika Srpska & Krajina
Gift Christmas presents to underprivileged Serbian children in KiM & throughout the region
Finish the project with a major donation to the Monastery of the Holy Archangels in Prizren