June 27, 2022

28. Jun begins construction on first Jasenovac memorial Church in Republika Srpska

2022 marks the grim 80th anniversary of the opening of the Jasenovac concentration camp. Many are familiar with the name and associate it with the Independent State of Croatia (NDH), there is a museum, monument and Church in the village. However, unless you’ve been there, you might not know that several camps were located in today’s Republika Srpska, on the Bosnian side of the Sava and Una rivers. This included the infamous Kozara camp which focused on the killing of children, with the oldest victim being just 14 years old.


You might also be surprised, that despite several attempts, there is no Church in the area dedicated to the martyrs of the camp. This is why 28. Jun and our partners will build the first Church in the Banja Luka diocese dedicated to victims of Jasenovac. The foundation of the Church of the Holy Martyrs of Jasenovac in Medjuvodje has received blessing from our Church and work has begun. Please join us in honoring the martyrdom of Serbian men, women and children who perished on these grounds by supporting this important project.

PayPal/Credit Card: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=4AL4WFKSD2TEY

GoFundMe: https://www.gofundme.com/f/gradnja-hrama-svetih-mucenika-jasenovackih

Facebook Fundraiser: https://www.facebook.com/donate/1113857265830362/

SMS: Pošalji 80 na 1733

Tekući račun:
Ime: 28. JUN
Dinarski racun broj: 265111031000342797
Raiffeisen banka Srbije

DACH račun:
Name: Humanitäre Organisation 28. Jun
IBAN: AT37 2011 1845 6142 4300

Official website: https://www.hramsvetihmucenika.com/


2022. godine obeležava se mračna 80. godišnjica otvaranja koncentracionog logora Jasenovac. Mnogima je to ime poznato i povezuju ga sa Nezavisnom Državom Hrvatskom (NDH), u selu Jasenovac se nalazi muzej, spomenik i crkva. Međutim, osim ako niste bili tamo, možda ne znate da se nekoliko logora nalazilo u današnjoj Republici Srpskoj, na bosanskoj strani reka Save i Une. To je uključivalo zloglasni logor Kozara koji se bavio ubijanjem dece, a najstarija žrtva je imala samo 14 godina.

Možda ćete se takođe iznenaditi, da uprkos nekoliko pokušaja, na području ne postoji crkva posvećena logorskim mučenicima. Zbog toga će 28. Jun i naši partneri izgraditi prvu Crkvu u Banjalučkoj eparhiji posvećenu žrtvama Jasenovca. Temelj Crkve Svetih Jasenovačkih mučenika u Međuvođu dobio je blagoslov naše Crkve i radovi su počeli. Molimo vas da nam se pridružite u odavanju počasti mučeničkim stradanjima srpskih muškaraca, žena i dece koji su stradali na ovoj zemlji, tako što ćete podržati ovaj važan projekat.