April 16, 2024

Prolećna Humanitarna Akcija

Help us renovate the “Sv. Petka” orphanage for children with special needs in Paracin!

For our Spring 2024 Humanitarian Project, we aim to renovate the “Sv. Petka” Monastery and orphanage for children with special needs in Paracin. Our objective is to create a secure, nurturing environment for the children and youth with severe developmental disabilities, as well as those without parental care, who call it home. We first visited the nuns caring for the children at the “Sv. Petka” Monastery in the summer of 2014 and have continued to support them with numerous deliveries over the years. Now, exactly 10 years after our first visit, we are eager to support their amazing work once again.

We plan to coordinate fundraisers and awareness events worldwide, uniting the global Serbian community in supporting this orphanage. Contact aleksandrapjevalica@28jun.org to get involved!

Download and put up the High-Resolution Poster in your local community: https://ibb.co/NyvX8zd

Support us by making a donation through the following platforms:

• Credit Card: https://www.28jun.org/donate

• PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/28jun

• GoFundMe: https://gofund.me/f469c029

• SMS: Pošalji 1 na 1733

• Dinarski račun:
OTP Banka
Dodati šifru plaćanja 288 ili 287

• Bank Transfer Austria (EU):
Name: Humanitäre Organisation 28.Jun
IBAN: AT372011184561424300