August 9, 2018
Help Serbian Families Project: 2.5 Years Later
Two and a half years ago we began our ‘Help Serbian Families’ project to assist those living in crippling poverty and the worst conditions in the region. We are proud of the fact that since then we have helped more than 200 families with home renovations, medical expenses, school supplies, food shortages and much more. We have shown them that WE care about them, that they MATTER to someone and that they are NOT forgotten.
Thanks to the contributions from our supporters and the tireless dedication of our volunteers, today we delivered everything the Stojanovic family asked for to help them cope with the passing of the head of their household. Last month, in what was likely the saddest case we have come across, Miroslav Stojanovic, father to four young children and a refugee from Kosovo, took his own life because he was unable to pay a $200 electricity bill.
The ability to alleviate the suffering of these children, for at least a moment, is the reason we have all come together to organize ourselves as the 28. Jun movement. We look forward to continuing to grow together as we strive to realize our vision in which all vulnerable people are provided for with dignity and efficiency. Let’s make sure no other children are left without a father, over an amount which for some is one night out.
Here is a look at some of the families that we have saved TOGETHER.
Click HERE to become part of our team.

1 Comment
Pozdrav ja sam sanja simijonovic sa Kosova zivim sa dvoje dece samohrana sam majka zivimo od socijale druga primanja nemamo ako mozete da nam pomognete za ogrev i skolovanje imamo i dedu koji je star bolestan i gluvo nem unapred se zahvaljujemo