December 30, 2017
28. Jun Kicks off Holiday Humanitarian Projects
Kicking off their holiday humanitarian projects, 28. Jun volunteers delivered urgent relief to two families in Kosovo today. The Stojanovic family from Gracanica received a stove, a washing machine, clothing for their six children, groceries and materials to renovate the facade and insulation in their house. While the Aleksic family from Zvecan received all the materials needed to complete the insulation and facade of their entire home. A big contribution to the realization of the project was made by Rada and Ranko Ristic from the US, the Ana and Vlade Divac Foundation and all our friends and supporters.
28. Jun Serbian coordinator Aleksandra Trifunovic was touched by the experience and stated: *Donation processed through secure SSL encrypted gateway.
“When you first see the genuine happiness and surprise of people who thought their existence was forgotten, when you devote time to them, when you talk to them, in a time when Serbs in Kosovo have been forgotten and abandoned by all, you want to never leave them. When you first call a family that does not have electricity or water in the 21st century, to ask them what they need and get the answer that they have all they need, and to help someone who needs it more, it’s impossible not to be touched by such modesty. At the end, when you realize that only $20 is necessary for the feet of little children not to freeze during winter which is around the corner, you can not help but wonder why you do not help more often. Or help every day. That is why I am filled with happiness and sorrow every time I bring a donation to wonderful people on behalf of 28. Jun.”
Give to the most efficient humanitarian organization sending aid to the Western Balkans.
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