August 30, 2022
HITNO: Dvogodišnji Pavle nema prste i mora odmah da operiše vilicu! Porodica bez vode i higijenskih uslova prepuštena da preživljava
U selu Zdravinje nadomak Kruševca živi porodica Dimitrijević, u zasigurno najgorim nedaćama koje smo dosad imali prilike da vidimo. Majka Ivana i otac Jovan imaju četvoro dece od kojih je dvoje ometeno u razvoju i sa teškim zdravstvenim problemima.
Najmlađi sin, Pavle (2 godine) ima težak oblik Aperovog sindroma i potrebna mu je hitna operacija rekonstrukcije vilice, kao i proteze za prste koji mu nedostaju. Pored svega, Pavle takođe boluje od konjuktivitisa, koji mu izuzetno otežava vid. Ogromna je maza i izrazito druželjubiv, ali zbog navedenih poteškoća još uvek ne može da izgovori svoje prve reči.
Stariji stan Marko takođe ima genetske anomalije na rukama i teško govori, ali uprkos tome on se trudi i završava srednju školu za decu sa posebnim potrebama.
I sama majka je jako bolesna, genetske anomalije na rukama joj otežavaju obavljanje poslova, ali daje sve od sebe za svoju porodicu. Njoj, kao i njenoj deci, konjuktivitis je doveo do toga da jedva može da vidi.
Ćerke Milica (5) i Marija (13) idu u školu i pomažu mami da održava domaćinstvo i vodi brigu o malom Pavlu, ali i najstarijem bratu Marku (18) koji ima teške smetnje u razvoju. One stižu i da kuvaju i da čuvaju braću, čiste kuću i budu odlične u školi.
Iako otac Jovan radi, primanja su mala i jedva sakupe za hranu i struju. Vodu nemaju, kao ni kupatilo, a snalaze se tako što je uzimaju sa obližnjeg bunara. Kuća je hladna, oronula i pri urušavanju.
Uprkos svemu, deca su umiljata, vesela i toliko zahvalna i na prvom paketu pomoći, koji smo im odneli pri poseti.
Naš plan je da ovoj porodici obezbedimo potpuno nov i topao dom i pomognemo u lečenju malog Pavla, Marka i mame Ivane.
Molim vas, pomozite nam da olakšamo život ovoj namučenoj porodici i obezbedimo im dostojanstven život. Možete donirati na sledeće načine:
Online Donations:
Credit Card:
Facebook Fundraiser:
SMS: Pošalji 1 na 1733
Tekući račun:
Ime: 28. Jun
Dinarski račun:
265 – 1110310003427 – 97
Šifra plaćanja: 287 ili 288
Devizni račun:
RS 352 – 651000000232575 – 47 Raiffeisen banka Srbije
Bank Transfer Austria (EU):
Name: Humanitäre Organisation 28.Jun
IBAN: AT372011184561424300
Two-year-old Pavle has no fingers and has to undergo urgent jaw surgery!
The village of Zdravinje near Kruševac is home to the Dimitrijević family. We do not take it lightly when we say these are the worst conditions we have seen. Mother Ivana and father Jovan have four children, two of whom are developmentally disabled and have serious health problems.
The youngest son, Pavle (2) has a severe form of Aper’s Syndrome and needs urgent jaw reconstruction surgery, as well as prostheses for his missing fingers. In addition to everything, due to poverty and lack of clean water, Pavle also suffers from untreated Conjunctivitis, which makes it extremely difficult for him to see. He is cuddly and extremely sociable, but due to his health issues he still can’t say his first words.
Eldest son Marko also has genetic anomalies on his hands and has difficulty speaking. Despite this, he is working hard to graduate from high school for children with special needs. The mother is also very sick, having only three fingers makes doing chores difficult, but she gives her all for her family. As is the case with her children, conjunctivitis has left her barely able to see.
Daughters Milica (5) and Marija (13) go to school and help their mother to maintain the household and take care of little Pavle as well as their eldest brother Marko (18), who has severe developmental disabilities. They come to cook and take care of their brothers, clean the house, but still manage to excel in school.
Although father Jovan works, his income is small and it barely covers food and electricity. They don’t have a bathroom or water, which they have to get from a nearby well. The house is cold, dilapidated and about to collapse. Despite everything, the children are affectionate, cheerful and were so grateful for the first aid package we brought them during our visit.
Our plan is to provide this family with a brand new and warm home and help with the medical treatment of little Pavle, his brother Marko, and mom Ivana. Please help us make life easier for this family of fighters and provide them with a dignified life. You can donate in the following ways:
Online Donations:
Credit Card:
Facebook Fundraiser:
SMS: Pošalji 1 na 1733
Tekući račun:
Ime: 28. Jun
Dinarski račun:
265 – 1110310003427 – 97
Šifra plaćanja: 287 ili 288
Devizni račun:
RS 352 – 651000000232575 – 47 Raiffeisen banka Srbije
Bank Transfer Austria (EU):
Name: Humanitäre Organisation 28.Jun
IBAN: AT372011184561424300
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