May 11, 2019
Medical Supplies Finally Cleared for Delivery Amid Corruption Sting
28. Jun was involved in a major anti-corruption sting in cooperation with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Serbia and the the Security Intelligence Agency (BIA) today. 28. Jun helped dismantle a ring which unsuccessfully attempted to extort and defraud the humanitarian organization of 37,500 Euros in exchange for license to clear a donation of medical equipment to the Clinical Centre of Nis.
“We hope today’s unfortunate event will send a message to our supporters and the Serbian public that not even organized crime groups will disrupt our humanitarian work. We are thankful for the work of the agencies for enforcing the law and allowing us to finally deliver promised aid to the vulnerable. We are extremely happy that our patience, perseverance and dedication to helping those in need got us through this ordeal.The container in question is comprised of medical aid that arrived in Serbia in January to be delivered to clinical centers in the country that rely on this equipment to treat patients. The delay incurred enormous docking and shipping costs and, most importantly, impacted medical treatment for people across the country.We’re grateful and relieved that this ordeal has finally come to an end and call on all other humanitarian organizations and workers to utilize the law and stand against organized corruption at all levels and all types. Our perseverance against corrupt bodies ensured that the container worth nearly $700,000 is scheduled to be delivered to Nis by Friday.” stated 28. Jun Director for the Balkans Sava Vojnovic.”
Official statement from the Ministry of Internal Affairs: rs/wps/portal/sr/aktuelno/ saopstenja/f08206da-e578-47a5- b4d8-bc2805ea8fab
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