July 16, 2019
Serbian Professional Development Society
Serbian Professional Development Society
Networking. Mentorship. Collaboration.
We’ve managed to create the biggest network of Serbs in the world and our first project is to make sure we connect these people in a meaningful way! This is why 28. Jun is launching the ‘Serbian Professional Development Society’ as a subsection of our LinkedIn group under the three pillars of ‘Networking. Mentorship. Collaboration’.
The aim being to utilize our mass network to facilitate exchanges in business, culture and academia among the Serbian community. We want to connect people for mentorship, moderate a quality job posting board and occasionally share worthwhile humanitarian endeavors. Become part of the community at https://www.linkedin.com/ company/28-jun
Srpsko društvo za profesionalni razvoj
Networking. Mentorstvo. Kolaboracija.
Uspeli smo da napravimo najveću mrežu Srba na svetu i naš prvi projekat će biti da ih povežemo na koristan i efikasan način! Zbog toga 28. Jun pokreće “Srpsko društvo za profesionalni razvoj” kao podgrupu na našoj Linkedin stranici gde ćemo razvijati 3 stuba “Networking, mentorstvo i kolaboraciju”.
Cilj ovoga je da se na efikasan način uloži energija mase kao bi se napredovalo u biznisu, kulturi i akademiji unutar srpske zajednice. Želimo da povežemo ljude kroz mentorske projekte, poslovne prilike i s vremena na vreme humanitarne akcije. Postanite deo naše zajednice na https://www.linkedin.com/ company/28-jun
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