Srbi za Srpske veterane: Najtuznija prica godine
Dragi prijatelji, Nadamo se da nemate ništa protiv da vam se obratimo za pomoć poslednji put 2022. Otac Perica, majka Snežana i sin Vojislav iz Prokuplja svi žive u jednoj mračnoj sobi u nehumanim uslovima. Da stvar bude još tragičnija, Perica je ratni veteran koji se za našu zemlju borio prvo u Hrvatskoj, zatim u…
Read MoreThank You Serbia! Together We Moved Pavle into a New Home!
One of the biggest humanitarian cases in Serbian history has reached a successful conclusion right before the holidays. Little Pavle Dimitrijevic and his family have moved into their new home! This past fall we introduced you to little Pavle and his three siblings from the village of Zdravinje near Kruševac. Pavle (3) suffers from a severe form…
Read MoreLittle Sofija is one of the 115,000 children in Serbia who live in absolute poverty.
For some of us, Christmas means presents we carefully choose or dream of for months, or happy moments shared with our loved ones. For those living from hand to mouth, Christmas days are like any other day in which they strive to escape poverty. This is why we started our Christmas Project, six years ago,…
Read MoreHITNO: “Zašto su moji životni uslovi gori nego u zatvoru?” Pita bolestan dečak
Šta biste pomislili kad bismo vam rekli da najozloglašeniji kriminalci na svetu žive u daleko boljim uslovima od onih u kojoj živi Vitomir Dragić sa roditeljima, na samo 240km od Beograda? Jednosobna “kuća” bez vode, kupatila, čiji zidovi su nagriženi od buđi i prljavi, a krov pred potpunim urušavanjem – predstavlja njihov dom. Slike koje…
Read More28. Jun Continues with Projects in Krajina
The most dire situation Serbs face in the Western Balkans is in Croatia. This is why in 2019 we launched the ‘Krajina Živi’ project to protect Serbian cultural heritage and offer humanitarian and economic assistance to Serbs living in Croatia. Here are some of our results for Fall 2022: ∙ Awarded $20,000 CAD in ‘Nikola Tesla’…
Read MoreJasenovac Memorial Temple in Republika Srpska Reaches Important Milestone
Since last July, we have raised $100,000 CAD for the construction of the Church of the Jasenovac Holy Martyrs in Medjuvodje. Over 70% of these funds have already been spent on materials and labour. Phase two of the construction, the walls of the Church, is nearing completion. Phase three, the roof, is scheduled to begin…
Read More28. Jun Awards Scholarships to 10 Exceptional University Students!
28. Jun has awarded $5,000 USD in scholarships to 10 exceptional university students. Our young scholars for each area of study are: ∙ Lazar Petrović (Law) ∙ Isidora Vulić (Graphic Design) ∙ Stefan Šajkarević (Political Science) ∙ Tina Jovanović (Journalism) ∙ Marija Rašković (Organizational Studies) ∙ Bojana Midžović (Sociology) ∙ Anđelija Vojinović (Medicine) ∙ Tijana Cvijić (Engineering)…
Read More28. Jun Renovates Elementary School Near Vranje
When we heard that students at Bora Stanković elementary school in the village of Barelić, 20 km from Vranje, go to school in a classroom full of mold, in which the ceiling threatens to collapse, we could not turn our heads. So, we sent our volunteers to help! Renovations took several months and included the following:…
Read More„Зовем се Милијана. Имам 9 година и хоћу да живим.”
ПОТРЕСНА ПРИЧА СА ПЛАНИНЕ: Тешко болесна Милијана (9) и њена бака живе саме, далеко од цивилизације, ФАЛИ ИМ СВЕ! Драги пријатељу, Милијана је тешко болесна, десни бубрег јој је потпуно отказао, а леви је тешко инфициран, не може да прича нити да хода самостално. О Милијани се брине њена стара бака Лепосава, како она не…
Read MoreBaka Leposava and her disabled granddaughter could freeze this winter, this is why we need you
Milijana and her grandma, Leposava, live in a village so small that it’s not listed on the map. Residing in a remote mountain, 40km from Kladovo, their heart-breaking yet heroic story is one our volunteers cannot get off their minds. We first introduced you to Milijana in 2019 when she was 6 years old. Born…
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